the Blackhawk Theatre Company
of Citrus Valley HS
What is a Thespian?
A Thespian is a student of theatre. Not simply an actor or a technician but anyone who is passionately involved with theatre. We are a member of the Educational Theatre Assn., an international organization which supports
Thespians, an honor society for theatre students.
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Of course you are! Now find out if you are eligible to become a full-fledged member of Troupe 7716.

Use this link to connect to our Tuesday meetings @ 3pm.

For quick, up-to-date reminders.

Socialize with other BTC students and Thespians.

Use this link to enter your Thespian points after you participate in an event.

Get all the details about how to submit your Thespian points online.

Get powerpoints from recent meetings. Don't miss a thing!

The California Thespian Festival is the high point of the year for High School Theatre. Imagine a high school populated with nothing but theatre students. This three-day event is open to students from any Thespian-Affiliated school High School.
This is just a partial list of the activities we’ve got lined up for you:
Students will be able to select from a broad variety of theatre workshops: acting, dancing, technical theatre, playwriting, improv – the list grows every year.
Students can choose to participate in Individual Events, commonly called IE’s. There are categories for solo and group performers in acting, musical theatre, dance, & tech theatre. Students will be given a written adjudication. IE’s that are highly ranked will qualify to compete at the International Thespian Festival in Lincoln, Nebraska in June.
Non IE Performance opportunities such as Play Marathon, Scenefest, and Playworks.
Evening events such as Dances, Karaoke,Showcase, Music Theatre Trivia.
Undergrad (Summer) Scholarships, Senior Scholarships, CA Honor Thespian Scholarships.​
Guest Speakers.
and more!
For any idea of cost, registration deadlines and hotel info for 2019/20 click on
"Registration Mtg. Info"
For info about the various events and activities you can participate in at festival click on "CA Thespian Festival Website"
The International Thespian Festival is a weeklong immersion in the theatre arts specially for high-achieving middle and high school drama students and their teachers. Setting the standard for participatory educational theatre experiences, ITF broadens horizons, enriches learning, and celebrates the creativity of theatre students and educators.
For more than 50 years, ITF has been the preferred summer theatre experience for students and teachers alike. Once a year, experience once-in-a-lifetime moments. Produced by the Educational Theatre Association and held at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, ITF showcases outstanding school theatre productions on four professional stages and offers a wealth of learning and presentation opportunities encompassing all theatrical disciplines.
Students and teachers can select from hundreds of rigorous and engaging workshops taught by experts in their field. Topics include acting and performing, lighting, sets, sound, makeup, costume design and construction, directing, stage management, dance, and playwriting. More specialized subjects may include puppetry, stage combat, commedia dell’arte, and more.
Students can meet with recruiters from dozens of top college and university theatre programs from across the country to interview and audition for admission and for thousands of dollars in scholarships.
Inducted Thespians who qualify at their state conference can participate in National Individual Events, a special program of the International Thespian Society that assesses and recognizes significant student achievement in theatre.

President - Sophia Partain, c/o '22
4 year BTC Member
4 year Thespian
“I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart.” -Vincent Van Gogh

VP - Arvin Mann, c/o '22
4 year BTC Member
4 year Thespian
“In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.”
Publicity - Eddie Barajas, c/o '22
4 year BTC Member
3 year Thespian​
"I'm a firm believer that embracing the imperfections of making music is so much of what makes something groove."
-Jacob Collier
Social Media - Olivia Beaumont
c/o '23
3 year BTC Member
3 year Thespian
"Broken crayons still color."

Improv Liaison - vacant

Secretary - Tori Ramirez; c/o '22
4 year BTC Member
4 year Thespian
"Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk" -Tony Stark

Clerk - Sara Krishnan; c/o '24
2 year BTC Member
2 year Thespian
"I should hate to be predictable"-Lady Mary Crawley

Senior - Damien Ellington
c/o '22
4 year BTC Member
2 year Thespian​
"Love is a dagger. It's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It's beautiful. Until it makes you bleed."-Loki Laufeyson

Junior - Vivian Lacey
2 year BTC Member
1 year Thespian​

Soph. - McKenna Sherman
2 year BTC Member
“Everything will be okay. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will be eventually.”

Sophomore - Madi Hearn
2 year BTC Member
2 year Thespian​
“I realized that we all think we might be terrible people. But we only reveal this when asking someone to love us.” -Anonymous

Freshman - Nickolas Franz Ramirez
1 year BTC Member
1 year Thespian
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." - Walt Disney

Freshman - Amber Sibbett
1 year BTC Member
1 year Thespian​
"There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot succeed in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed." -Ray Goforth

Beattie MS - TBA